Saturday, February 11, 2006

Continuation from ROWY

This curse of mine does not ever seem to fade. I chalk this up to the "off season", but I know that I am only kidding myself. Will this ever end, while I am sane enough to know? My heart swells with joy at the misery brought to the surface. While, at the same time a terrible crushing feeling fills my chest. Some nights, like this, I feel that I am going mad. Right to the precipice of my sanity, right to the edge of my pain.

I dream the verse of masters long since dead. That ring with words written in my own voice. I see the images that they have construed and that I now see, but can not adequately define those thoughts to the page.

So, I limp along using only those words that convey a meaning to me. It is conveyed in the following poem. But, will you, the reader, see what I see? How can you really? Not knowing what I know, experienced that which I have, lived with demons that I have wrought.

My slumber awaits. I am hoping to see these images no more this night. To escape in folly.


The web is cast.
The prey approach.
The spider sits.
The meal to sate.

The monster lurks.
The dead heart pumps.
The lust consumes.
The anticipation fierce.

The innocence is dashed.
The pain ensues.
The life is lost.
The darkness creeps.

The path is sewn.
The mind contemplates.
The vampiric soul.
The zombies rise.

Life is found.
Life is lost.
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