Saturday, September 03, 2005

My Hates of Life

I hate this feeling of being blue
I hate the world and everyone,
Of being alone, and couples, too.
I hate the laughter and the fun.

I hate that my friends are far away.
I hate not going out to the clubs,
Have no one to talk to on this day.
I hate the hotties with Man or Hubs.

I hate to see the kids all around.
I hate the thought that I won't have my own
Kids to play with, a wife, love abound.
I hate that you do, down to the bone.

I hate that I have never heard the phrase,
"I love you" except from family or close friends.



Blogger Toekneebee said...

Thanks for posting a comment on my site. Art, poetry, etc. - all are subjective..if it's heart-felt and accurate, how can that be bad or wrong? I'm looking forward to reading some stuff on here and I think it's cool that there's men out there who aren't afraid to write.

I'll check back here frequently.


6:16 PM  
Blogger Earth Rooster said...

Don't check back too often. I tend not to post a whole lot on here. Unless, that is, I am in a crap mood.

On the other hand, with the holidays approaching, I could be posting a lot.


7:15 PM  
Blogger 11181955 said...

liked your poem, felt the sorrow when I read it..Chin up

9:23 PM  
Blogger Sky said...

Thanks for visiting my site. I will probably check back often. Liked the poem, kind of is close to how I feel right about now.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bloghoppped here from Sette Stanze Rosse.

I hate to see the kids all around.
I hate the thought that I won't have my own
Kids to play with, a wife, love abound.
I hate that you do, down to the bone.

Raw, as raw can be.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Blondage said...

I've been there.

Especially about the kids part...

6:15 PM  

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