Friday, October 22, 2004

Explanation Needed?

After several emails, it seems that an explanation of the poems is necessary. All of the women that are described in these poems were given fair warning, "If you do x, then y will happen." I even gave these people a short story to emphasize the seriousness of my convictions.
The story goes like this: I was dating a woman and had this to say, '"One of the things that I truly dispise are hickeys. Where I am from, a hickey is a sign of ownership. I am not owned by you or any other person. So, don't try to give me one. If you do, then you will not like the result." As things got going, she made the first attempt. I pushed her away and said, "This is your first warning. Don't do that." We started the action again and fifteen minutes later, she made the second attempt. This time, when I pushed her away, I said, "If you do that again, I will punch you in the face. Do not try me." On her third attempt, I clocked her in the nose and told her to get the fuck out. This is the one and only time that I have ever hit a woman. Don't let yourself be the second.'
For each of these women in the poems, I told this story. I also told them that if you cross this line, then this will be the result. Everytime, they had to cross the line. The result is found in the poems.


Blogger Humor Girl said...

"Where I am from, a hickey is a sign of ownership" Ownership of a trailer, maybe!? lol

Here's my take: Hickies are very them to someone on purpose is lame and weird.

And how old was the girl in this story? If a guy told me that he really sincerely didn't like them, I wouldn't press it. But I also wouldn't expect to get a right jab to the nose!?

10:43 PM  
Blogger Earth Rooster said...

The story took place in high school. And after three strikes, you are out.

11:31 PM  
Blogger 11181955 said...

My question is..Why didn't you just walk away? I guess I never had a guy hit me, but then again when he told me he didn't like something I didn't push it. May I ask.. Did you ever felt bad for hit her? even tho you warned her you would? I just have a problem with people hitting people.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Earth Rooster said...

d - (1) I couldn't just walk away. We were in my bedroom. Late at night and parents asleep in the room across the hall. (2) I was not the same person then, as I am today. I had serious anger issues. I also had violent mood changes.

Yes, I felt bad for doing so. It is not something that I look back on with pride. And I have never hit a woman in anger again.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Blondage said...

I loathe hickies.

"Other Half" finds it amusing to periodically give me one.


It's the one thing he does that makes me genuinely angry.

(Well, that and throwing clean clothes on the floor)

6:18 PM  

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