Explanation Needed?
The story goes like this: I was dating a woman and had this to say, '"One of the things that I truly dispise are hickeys. Where I am from, a hickey is a sign of ownership. I am not owned by you or any other person. So, don't try to give me one. If you do, then you will not like the result." As things got going, she made the first attempt. I pushed her away and said, "This is your first warning. Don't do that." We started the action again and fifteen minutes later, she made the second attempt. This time, when I pushed her away, I said, "If you do that again, I will punch you in the face. Do not try me." On her third attempt, I clocked her in the nose and told her to get the fuck out. This is the one and only time that I have ever hit a woman. Don't let yourself be the second.'
For each of these women in the poems, I told this story. I also told them that if you cross this line, then this will be the result. Everytime, they had to cross the line. The result is found in the poems.